Ancient Chinese Proverb: "You must perserve to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks."
That proverb is so true. As I prepare for the journey that lies in front of me, I can hardly imagine that this is all happening. I had my pre-departure orientation yesterday, and, through the whole thing, I felt as if I was dreaming. While our world steps into this "Age of Globalization," nothing seems that far out of reach--the phrase "It's a small world..." seems to be increasingly common to the ear. However, how much do we really know about this world we "live" in?
China. Just saying the name brings up all sorts of generalizations and stereotypes--some positive, others negative--I'm just not going to get into that. Honestly though...CHINA! I could never imagine a year ago...six months ago...hardly even four months ago that this would be happening to me. Studying abroad in another country, let alone one as rich in culture, history, education, etc. as China, is such a huge opportunity! The task of getting there seems impossible, but I know with hard-work, friends and family, that I will get there.
I can't believe that I am taking this step into the world...things will be so different. Nevertheless, life will go on--here and in China. This all is somewhat scary to me, but knowing that all of my friends and family will be with me, reading this, I will be strong. Thank you all for coming on this journey with me!
Blessings Forever,
Jonathan A. Miller